SW 2023 SP3 Ylisuuret tiedostokoot - Hotfix julkaistu!
Created on 03.08.2023 at 14:41 PM
Created on 03.08.2023 at 14:41 PM
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SOLIDWORKS 2023 SP3 versiolla tallennettaessa kokoonpanoja saattavat tiedostokoot kasvaa erittäin suuriksi. Tämä on tiedossa oleva bugi, johon on julkaistu Hotfix-päivitys. Voit ladata päivityksen tästä linkistä.
Alla ohje päivityksen asentamiseksi:
To apply the hotfix:
1. Verify that SOLIDWORKS 2023 SP3 is the current installed version.
2. Close active SOLIDWORKS sessions and ensure that sldworks_fs.exe and sldworks.exe are not running in the Windows® Task Manager. Right-click the process and end the process if it is active.
3. Download the HotFix_HF-1137364_2023sp03.exe file attached to this QA and save it to a local disk.
4. Run the HotFix_HF-1137364_2023sp03.exe file. This file extracts and installs the hotfix.
5. Verify that you successfully applied the hotfix:
Go to Programs and Features in the Windows Control Panel. Confirm that the list includes the entry SolidWorks HotFix HF-1137364 as an installed item.
Huomioi, että jos/kun asennat uuden SP:n pitää tuo hotfix ensin poistaa!
Before you install a different Service Pack of SOLIDWORKS 2023, you must remove the hotfix.
To remove the hotfix:
1. Enter Control Panel in the Windows Search tool on the Task Bar to access the Windows Control Panel.
2. Select Programs > Programs and Features.
3. From the list of Programs, right-click SolidWorks HotFix HF-1137364.
4. Select Uninstall/Change and follow the steps to remove SolidWorks HotFix HF-1137364.
PS. Vika on korjattu 2023 SP4:een.